Suicide Prevention

What does this have to do with work site safety? Well, yearly suicide rates are actually increasing in Canada, around 4000 a year or approximately about 10 a day. This is affecting everyone. 1 in 10 people have suicidal thoughts. The numbers alone tells us that there is probably someone on your crew or in your lunch room that is experiencing this. It could be the guy that is suddenly quiet and withdrawn, it could be the girl that always seems “fine” or it could be the successful GM. Most of the time there are no sure fire signs. There  are many reasons for these thoughts…depression, financial stress, grief, substance abuse and many, many more. Most people who attempt or commit suicide, talk about it at some point. They are not just looking for attention and should be taken seriously. Even if it seems like a casual comment. We need to start listening and being there for one another. You never know what someone is going through.

I know trades people think they are tough as nails, but, we need to stop and have these hard talks. We are losing our family members, our friends and yes…our co-workers. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please get help! There is a way out. Please go to for a crisis line in your area or call 911.