Bathroom Breaks

I know this time a year, when that cold crisp air hits site, is when people start taking longer “bathroom breaks”. I get it, it’s cold outside and who doesn’t love a few levels of candy crush. Other than the obvious loss of production, using your phone in the washroom is disgusting. I know you may feel cozy, warm checking your texts from a bathroom stall but that stall is truly covered in all sorts of body fluids, bacteria and viruses. Even if your site cleaning crew is on point and your wash cart looks spotless… There are still diseases, urine and fecal matter (yes poop!) everywhere! These kinds of bacteria and viruses can cause all sorts of sickness like, E. Coli, pink eye, staphylococcus streptococcus, hepatitis A, shigella bacteria, the common cold and stomach flu. Every time someone flushes the toilet, tiny drops of  urine and fecal matter is flung all over the stall you’re currently taking a selfie in. So yes that makes using your phone on the toilet a safety concern. So please do yourself a favour and leave your phone in your pocket (well technically it shouldn’t be on you while working… But if it is). We always wash our hands when we use the bathroom… Right? Well how can we wash our phones? When you use your phone on the toilet, even if you give it a wipe down, you’re basically just packing around germs. You use your phone then eat… You just transferred those bathroom germs to your food. Use your phone the pick up your child… Now your child has them. I could keep going but I think you get the picture. Simple solution, don’t use your phone in the washroom… And always wash your hands.