Tick Safety

Ticks carrying Lyme disease has been on an all-time high in the last few years. With some trades and at some sites you have no choice but to work in areas where ticks are commonly found. The good news is that the black-legged ticks that can carry the bacteria that can cause Lyme disease are not as common here as in other parts of the world. But we should still protect ourselves just the same.

Use a bug spray containing DEET to deter them for you, make sure to reapply as needed throughout the day. Your clothing should be covering you as much as possible, that shouldn’t be a problem if you’re properly dressed for work. Your arms, legs, hands, head and feet should be covered anyways. Try to stay out of areas where they live if there’s a path take it, don’t go trudging through the woods or tall grass unless you have to. Check for ticks periodically. If you find a tick, safely remove it. Seek medical attention if you have the tell-tale bullseye around the bite mark. Also if you develop flu-like symptoms, sore muscles, joint pain, chills, fatigue or just a general feeling of unwell.

Lyme disease can cause you a lifetime of problems. The key to avoiding it is preventing ticks from biting you; and a clean quick removal if they do. Also remember, if you’re bitten by a tick, try to save the body after removal and take it in for testing; this will help you identify future risks.