Spring Weather

Spring is finally in the air 🌷. If you’re in Alberta, this is a big deal! (It’s like Game of Thrones there). Along with the warmer weather comes some pretty treacherous storms. I know that after working outside all winter, the rain, thunder and lightning can seem like a walk in the park, but there are some serious safety risks with stormy weather. Here are are some tips to keep you safe and maybe even dry.

  1. Pay attention. For the most part, crews will be called into the lunch room or a safe building till the storm passes. This is not the time to try and impress your foreman and get a little extra work done! Just stop what you’re doing and go where they tell you to.
  2. If your working at heights, just come down. Don’t wait on a crew member to give you the okay if there is lightning and thunder in the area. You’re standing on a lot of conductive material and nowhere up there is safe. Hit the ground and then look for a shelter.
  3. Find the best shelter. Any sustainable building, lunch room, electrical building and even a wash cart. You want to stay away from fab tents, tool cribs or any other open shelter. If nothing else is available, a vehicle can be used as your last resort.
  4. If there is nowhere to go and you have to ride out the storm outside, there are a few precautions you can take to lessen your chances of being struck. Don’t stand next to anything tall…a matter of fact… don’t stand at all. Crouch with as little of your body touching the ground as possible. Get into a trench or a ditch and stay away from bodies of water.
  5. Lastly, wait 30 minutes from the last clap of thunder or lightning to go back to work. Hopefully, you manage to stay dry too, if not, the good news is you’re not sugar.. you won’t melt. Happy Spring!