Smoking on Site

As a non smoker I used to feel like everyone on site smoked especially my welder colleagues. You know the type… the worker that’s been welding for 40 years and every time they lift their lid there is a burnt, down to the filter cigarette hanging out of their mouth. (OMG there are so many things wrong with that!) It blows me away that so many people still smoke in this day and age, but the truth is the majority of us trades people smoke. Other than the obvious health hazards to yourself and second hand smoke to us close by, there are serious risks associated with smoking on site.

Smoking near any ignition source is putting everyone at risk. Be sure that you are at least 50 feet from any refueling station.  All paints and other flammable chemicals are out of the designated smoking area. Steer clear of wood or dusty areas, these can go up in flames in a flash.

Only smoke in designated smoking areas and during the designated times allowed. Some sites are deemed smoke free, (nonsmokers rejoice!) however I have never seen one. Most sites do have strict smoking rules to adhere to and failing to do so can leave you not only unemployed but also banned from that site for life. So make sure you know exactly where and when you can smoke. Please note this includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes and vape pens. Deciding to ignore smoking guidelines can lead to more than just a personal health hazard. Just because you are willing to put your life on the line one cigarette at time… Doesn’t mean the rest of us are.