Making a Plan to be Safe

I hope you’ve had a great long weekend, but now it’s time to refocus. It can be hard to get back into the groove after a few days off. Here are some ideas to help you stay safe.

It’s always a good idea to make a plan. Any task can seem overwhelming without a clear plan. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to lose focus. So take some time before every task and outline where you will start your task and how you will do it. Once you have a plan, stick to it. You should also be thinking ahead. What do you need for this task? Making sure you have the proper PPE and tools. To stay focused, you may need some micro breaks. A trip to the tool crib to get supplies is a great micro break. Your plan should also point out safety hazards. After a few days off and then jumping head first into our work, we can definitely miss things. So take the time, do a walk around and ask coworkers. You should ease back into your usual work pace. Being all gung ho off the bat can land you in first aid. So just ease up a bit. Take a day or two to get your brain back into the swing of things, then you can hit the gas. Try and get rid of distractions; like cell phones, music and that coworker that just won’t stop talking (okay… don’t “get rid” of them, ask them politely to save it for break). Lastly, look for changes. I know you’ve only had a couple of days off and there’s a good chance everyone else did too; however, maybe some people worked some overtime and things are moved around. Maybe the weather has moved things. Either way, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the jobsite again.

Having a clear plan will only take a few minutes for you to do. It will help you stay focused, be prepared, and be safe. So take the time to plan ahead.