Car Seat Safety – Part 3

There are so many common mistakes when it comes to car seats so let’s try to clear a few of them up. Rear facing is always better. Try to keep your child rear-facing as long as possible. Put them front facing no earlier than 2 years old. Follow the weight and height restrictions on the seat you purchase. When purchasing a seat, you should try to pick one that has higher weight and height restrictions. Rear facing is 5 times safer than front facing. Even if your child’s feet are touching the back of your cars seat, doesn’t mean he’s too big for the seat. Follow the restrictions. Try and put your car seat in the middle of the back seat. That is the safest place for it. Never put a car seat in the front seat or by any airbags. Children should not actually ride in the front seat till they are 13 year of age. Your child’s shoulder straps should be at or below their shoulders, never above. They need to be sung, you should be able to fit only one finger between your little one and their chest strap. Dress them light while they are in their seat. If it’s cold, put a blanket on top of them after you strap them in. Bulky clothing can make it impossible to tighten them properly. Never add anything to a car seat, such as toys. The chest clip need to be at armpit level. These are just a few things to watch out for on the daily.


Car seats can be very overwhelming. They can be complicated, awkward and heavy but it’s worth putting in the time to do the research and have it properly installed. Hopefully you will never have to see your seat in action, but if you do… you need it to protect your little monkey. Please take the time and be on the right side of the 50% of people that use them correctly.