Back to School

It’s that time of year again… When parents all over rejoice as their kids head back to school. Make sure to take time out of your happy dance to go over some safety tips to keep you kiddos safe.

Go over the basics with your youngster; Always cross at a marked crosswalk. Look both ways and wait until a complete stop has been made to proceed. Make eye contact with the driver. Always stay on the sidewalk or path.

As for drivers; follow posted speed limits, especially in school zones. Stay alert, keep your eyes on the road, you never know when a child could dart out in front of you. Never pass another vehicle stopped for pedestrians or drop off.

Keeping these little ones safe is every drivers job. Reckless driving, whether it’s speeding or taking a quick glance at your phone could take away their chance at a future… which is worth so much more than your text message or getting to you destination 2 minutes faster. Take extra care on the roads this week… And always.